This is definitely a weird experience. We stopped to eat at Fuddruckers on a road trip yesterday. About midway through the meal I went to the restroom and used the urinal. There was a framed photo in front of me of a football quarterback about the throw. Upon closer inspection I noticed the photo was just a cutout from a magazine affixed to a box-frame. I also noticed one on the wall by the door. (VIEW IMAGE 1 NOW OF BOX FRAME NEAR DOOR) I thought it seemed a little cheap and unprofessional for a decent restaurant. From that point until I got back to the table, I imagined a restaurant with all walls lined with images glued from magazines. They would encourage customers to bring their own, and tear down or replace any that are offensive. Every now and then employees may have to rip thick sheets of old images off. The restaurant would of course be called Mags. I returned to my table to continue eating and forgot about my ridiculous idea. At the end of the meal I decided to go again since we were getting back on the road. I was speechless when I got to the urinal and someone had ripped the photo from the box-frame. (VIEW IMAGE 2 NOW OF BOX FRAME OVER URINAL) To add to the weirdness, after I told the story to my family, my wife told me a little tidbit. Earlier a man went into the restroom with a folded newspaper. My wife assumed he was going to read it while using the restroom, but he emerged seconds later, not even long enough to have used the restroom OR washed his hands, much less both.

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